Wednesday, April 23, 2008


‘Padma’ means lotus. Padmasana acquires its name because when performed this resembles a lotus. This is also known as Kamalasana. This is best suited for meditation and for reciting ‘mantras’. It is beneficial to booth men and women.

Sit on the ground. Spread the legs forwards and place the right foot on the left thigh and left foot on the fight thigh. Some persons like to place first the left foot on the right thigh and then to put the right foot on the left thigh. Either process is right. Let the left hand rest on the left knee and the right hand on the right knee. Let the tips of the thumbs of both the hands touch the tips of the index fingers. Keep the head and the spinal column erect. Keep your eyes close or open. Those who can place only one leg on the thigh should practice this asana easily after some practice. Stay in the final position for one or two minutes in the initial stage. Later, gradually increase the

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