Friday, April 25, 2008




This asana is easy for those who have practiced Ardha Matsyendrasana for some time. Purna Matsyendrasana is a bit difficult to perform in the beginning.

Sit on the floor with the legs stretched straight in front. Keep the trunk and the head in a vertically straight line. Place the right foot at the root of the left thigh. Place the right heel pressing against the navel. Keep the left foot on the floor behind the right knee. Take the right hand out from under the left knee and with the help of its thumb and first finger hold the toe of the left foot. Keep the left foot firm in this position. Take your left hand behind the back and keep the head and the body turned to the left side. Twist the waist slightly. Look at the tip of the nose. Breathe in slowly. Retain this position for twenty seconds. The position can be retained for two to three minutes after sufficient practice. This asana gives the maximum benefits when practiced on the right and left sides alternately.


Ø This asana has all the advantages of Ardha Matyendrasana.
Ø It alleviates rheumatism.
Ø It stimulates the life energy and cures many diseases.
Ø It supplies fresh blood to the Prananadi. This awakens the Kundalini and the aspirant experiences mental peace and calmness.
Ø This asana is very beneficial to persons suffering from diabetes.
Ø This asana makes the spine flexible and one experiences vigour and vitality of youth.




‘Ardha’ means half. This asaña is named after Yogi Matsyendranath who first taught it to the aspirants of Hatha Yoga. It is said that this Matsyendranatha was the disciple of Lord Shiva.


Place the right heel near the anus (buttock) below the testicles. Do not move the heel from this position. Bend the left knee and put the left ankle on the outer side of the right knee. Let the right arm-pit rest on the outer side of the left thigh. Now push the knee backwards so that it touches the back part of the arm-pit. Then hold the toe of the left foot with the right hand. Twist the spine slowly exerting force on the joint of the left shoulder. Let the spine be twisted to the left side as far as possible. Turn the head to the left side as far as it can go. Bring it to the line of the left shoulder. Take the left hand backwards and try to hold the right thigh with it. Keep the spine erect. Remain in. this position for five to fifteen seconds. Repeat the same in reverse by twisting the spine to the right side. This asana makes the spine twist completely.

Ø This. asana stimulates appetite.
Ø It awakens the Kundalini and stabilizes Chandranadi.
Ø It makes the spine elastic. It massages the abdominal muscles and organs.
Ø It adjusts and corrects the displacement of the vertebrae, rejuvenating the blood circulation in that part of the body.
Ø It helps one in practicing Pashchimottanasana.



Certain characteristics of this asana are typically same as those of Pashchimottanasana. In this variation of Pashchiniottanasana one leg is extended.

Sit on the ground. Place the left heel pressing hard near the left groin. Keep the right leg stretched and straight. Hold the right foot with the hands. Exhale and draw the stomach in. Lower the head slowly as shown in the figure. Place the forehead and the chin on the knee. Remain in this position for five to ten seconds. Increase the time gradually. This asana can be practiced with the left leg stretched. With constant practice this asana can be performed for half an hour. Repeat this asana five to six times every day. This asana should be performed after the bowels are emptied. One who practices this asana can practice Pashchimottanasana comfortably.

Advantages :
Ø This asana kindles gastric fire and helps digestion.
Ø This asana helps in observing celibacy.
Ø This asana cures kidney-troubles.
Ø It cures colic pain.
Ø It awakens the Kundalini which keeps the body free from sluggishness and weakness.
Ø This asana has the same advantages as Pashchimottasana.



This asana is also known as ‘Ugrasana’. ‘Ugra’ means ‘Shiva’. Lord Shiva is believed to be the god of annihilation. So he is called ‘Ugra’ or ‘the terrible’. As this asana is very difficult to practice, it is known as ‘Ugrasana’.
Sit on the floor with the legs stretched straight in front. Bend the trunk forward and hold the feet
With the thumbs and the first and the middle fingers. Exhale, and bend the trunk lower so that the head rests on the knees. Draw the abdomen in while bending lower. This will make the bending of the trunk easy. While bending bring the head between the arms. The aspirants having the flexible spine can touch the knees with the head at the first attempt. Fat persons will find some difficulty in practicing this asana. Persons having a weak spine will take a fortnight or a mouth to accomplish perfection in this asana. Remain in this asana for five seconds. Begin with thirty seconds and gradually increase it to ten minutes.

Advantages :
Ø Pashchimottanasana is the foremost of all asanas. Its effect is that the life force flows through the Sushumna nadi and it kindles gastric fire.
Ø The excessive fat around the abdomen is reduced by practicing this asana.
Ø It tones up the kidneys, the stomach, the liver and other abdominal organs.
Ø It tones up the intestines and improves digestion.
Ø This asana cures constipation, indigestion liver- diseases and toss of appetite.
Ø The practice of this asana helps the joints to regain elasticity. It rejuvenates the entire spine.
Ø It makes the body handsome and shapely.
Ø It strengthens the calvic muscles.
Ø It cures hjccough.


Veerasana Front view
‘Veera’ means a hero, a warrior. The practice of this asana increases appetite. Those who perform this asana develop the spirit of adventure, enthusiasm and bravery in them.

Sit on the floor. Keep the body erect and the eyes straight. Bend either of the legs at the knee and place the heel below the anus. Bend the other leg at the knee and place it on the thigh of the former leg. Extend the arms forward in line with the shoulders and put them on the head. Keep the loins, the neck and the head in a vertical straight line. Breathe slowly and normally. Hold this position for eight seconds and then assume the posture as in the original position. Then bend the other leg and perform this asana again. The performance of this asana should be repeated six times in a day.

Veerasana Back view

Ø All the diseases which Padmasana cures can be cured also by practicing this asana. The benefits which Padmasana asana gives can be obtained from this asana also.
Ø This asana helps in breath-control. So this asana is practiced by the best singers of Indian classical music.
Ø This pose is suitable for Pranayama.


This asana is difficult to perfom. This asana presses the Kanda (the place near the navel). So it is called Kandapeedanasana.
Sit on the floor. Bend the legs at the knees. Bring the feet towards the trunk until the heels are close to the perineum, and keep the knees on the floor. Join the palms in front of the chest. Keep the trunk erect. Keep the nose. the palms and the feet in a vertical straight line. Breathe in the normal way. This asana should be practiced with caution. Persons whose thighs and calves are heavy will find it difficult to practice this asana. Those having a slim body can perform this asana comfortably.

Ø This asana cures all kinds of ailments and disorders of the knees. It also cures arthritis.
Ø It strengthens the calves, arteries and veins.
Ø It stimulates Kundalini Shakti
Ø This asana is same as Padmasana or Siddhasana, so it has all the benefits of Padmasana and Siddhasana.


In ancient times the persons who lived in Gurukulas and observed celibacy used to practice this asana regularly. With Sheershasana and Sarvangasana this asana has been given special importance by our sages for the preservation of the semen.
Persons having physical obesity will find it difficult to practice this asana. They may fall on either side while performing this asana. But with constant practice steadiness can be maintained.
Place the left heel between the anus and the scrotum. Let the weight of the whole body rest on the. feet, particularly on the left foot. Place the right foot on the left leg near the knee. Keep the balance while in sitting posture. A bench or a wall can be used as a support in the beginning. Place both the hands on the waist or the thighs, or keep them in the obeisance—posture. Retain the breath. Keep the spine erect. Then inhale slowly. Stare at or concentrate on a white or black dot specially kept for this purpose before the eyes. Repeat silently the japa of Ramanama or some gurumantra. Begin practicing this asana with 30 seconds and gradually increase it to one minute.

Ø As this asana stimulates Veeryanadi, it cures, physical disorders like wet-dreams (spermatorrhoea) impotence and diabetes.
Ø The semen is sublimated by practicing this asana and it changes into vital energy.
Ø If this asana is practiced along with Sheershasana, Sarvangasana and Bhujangasana, it helps one in observing celibacy.